The Russian Federation and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (hereinafter referred to as the Parties),
based on the historical relations of friendship, mutual respect and multifaceted cooperation between the two states,
taking into account the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, signed on April 4, 2001 in Moscow, international treaties the Parties are a part of, as well as bilateral agreements between the Parties,
convinced that the strengthening and expansion of Russian-Algerian relations meets the interests of the Parties,
noting the high level of cooperation achieved in recent years between the two States in the political, trade, economic, humanitarian, military and technical fields, as well as in the field of security,
welcoming the regional cooperation between the Russian Federation and the African Union, as well as between the Russian Federation and the League of Arab States,
taking into account the results of the first Russia–Africa Summit in Sochi in October 2019.,
emphasizing the friendly nature of relations between the Russian and Islamic civilizations,
noting with appreciation the concurrence of views on various key international issues,
respecting the socio-political structures and traditional spiritual and moral values of the Russian and Algerian peoples,
aware of the existence of new challenges and threats, the response to which requires the concerted efforts of the entire world community,
striving to continue joint and coordinated work in the field of protection and promotion of the strategic interests of the Parties,
guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations (UN), the spirit of the UN General Assembly Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the UN Charter of October 24, 1970, and being committed to the central coordinating role of the UN in international affairs,
based on the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, in particular the principles of the sovereign equality of States and the right of peoples to self-determination, as well as respecting human rights,
reaffirming the need to establish a balanced and sustainable multipolar system of international relations based on the principles of the rule of international law, equality of all members of the international community, indivisibility of security, rejection of hegemony in international affairs, cultural and civilizational diversity, cooperation based on a balance of interests and mutual benefit,
striving to contribute to the full restoration of the UN's ability to perform the functions of a central coordinating mechanism for coordinating the interests of Member States and their actions to achieve the goals of the United Nations, implement the provisions of the UN Charter and other universally recognized principles and norms of international law in the interests of maintaining global peace and security,
aware of their role and responsibility in ensuring regional and international peace, security and stability,
driven by the desire to expand cooperation in other areas of mutual interest,
striving to further develop dialogue and interaction in the regional and international arenas in bilateral and multilateral formats,
in accordance with its international obligations and national legislation,
declare the following:
1. The Parties declare the establishment of an in-depth strategic partnership between themselves.
2. The Parties consider each other as friendly and equal States that will cooperate on the basis of mutual respect for State sovereignty, independence and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, trust and mutual understanding.
3. In-depth strategic partnership involves on a sustainable and long-term basis in accordance with national legislation and international obligations of each of the Parties the development of cooperation in the following areas:
I. Politics:
regular exchange of high-level visits;
conducting political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries in order to coordinate views on issues on the international agenda;
firmly upholding the principle of the inadmissibility of distorting history and revising the results of the Second World War, suppressing and falsifying the history of colonialism and the damage caused by foreign occupation, encouraging the rehabilitation and glorification of Nazism, inciting Russophobia, Islamophobia, racial discrimination, neo-Nazism and xenophobia, overcoming neocolonial dependence and eliminating inequality;
cooperation and consultations within the framework of the United Nations, its specialized agencies, other international organizations and regional forums, including countering the politicization of the activities of international financial and sectoral organizations;
intensification of contacts of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the Council of the Nation and the People's National Assembly of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, including within the framework of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and other international parliamentary organizations;
Promotion and development of regional relations between the Russian Federation and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria;
non-participation in any treaties or agreements that infringe on the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity of the other Party;
countering any attempts to create obstacles to the realization of the sovereign right of the Parties to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields;
actions to ensure universal respect and strengthen the role of international law as the normative basis of international relations, including the rejection of unilateral restrictive and coercive measures applied against one of the Parties by third States or their associations in violation of the UN Charter;
cooperation within the framework of intergovernmental mechanisms and organizations of the United Nations system in the field of climate change and environmental protection, in particular the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, joint work on the formation of a balanced international agenda on relevant issues based on an equal and depoliticized dialogue of all countries.
II. Trade and economy:
support for the deepening cooperation between ministries and various organizations in the field of economics and business circles of the Parties, the creation of new mechanisms for interaction between Russian and Algerian economic operators, including the establishment of joint ventures, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, information days and business forums;
strengthening the cooperation within the framework of the Joint Intergovernmental Russian-Algerian Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation;
creation of favorable conditions for the trade of goods and services;
development of relations between participants in foreign economic activity of the Parties as one of the mechanisms for diversifying trade and economic cooperation, simplification of rules and procedures that make it difficult for entrepreneurs and business representatives to travel;
deepening cooperation in the field of accreditation, legal metrology and industrial property;
development of cooperation in the field of mutual recognition of national certificates and certificates of the Eurasian Economic Union;
establishing cooperation in the field of transportation and logistics, including the development of transport routes between Russia and Algeria.
III. Customs:
signing of an Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters, which will form the regulatory framework for cooperation in the following areas:
combating fraud, smuggling, currency crimes and any forms of crimes that are prosecuted by the Parties in accordance with their national legislation;
creation of favorable conditions, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of each of the Parties, to simplify the passage of goods across state borders;
working on the establishment of a mechanism for the exchange of information related to commercial transactions and travel of citizens of the two countries;
intensification of cooperation between the customs authorities of the two countries in the field of training, exchange of experience and knowledge.
IV. Finance and banking:
development of direct contacts between financial and banking institutions of the two countries;
encouraging joint work aimed at ensuring the transition to settlements in national currencies in mutual trade, the formation of reliable and independent channels for cross-border payments from third countries;
improvement of credit and insurance mechanisms, creation of favorable conditions for mutual promotion and protection of investments.
V. Energy:
cooperation and coordination in international energy organizations and communities of States, including the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries and OPEC+;
intensification of cooperation in the field of exploration and production of hydrocarbons, oil and gas refining, petrochemistry;
deepening partnership in the field of electric power industry, production and supply of energy, oil and gas equipment and pipe products, provision of engineering services;
cooperation and exchange of best practices for the promotion and development of new and renewable energy sources, in particular hydrogen energy;
cooperation and exchanges in the field of development of nuclear technologies, their peaceful applications, and nuclear safety.
VI. Mineral production:
promotion of cooperation in the field of geological exploration, exploration and extraction of minerals, development of the necessary infrastructure, geological mapping, assessment of mineral resources, organizational and technical assistance and training, development of an appropriate regulatory framework.
VII. Industry sector:
cooperation in the field of aviation, automotive, pharmaceutical industry, agricultural and railway engineering;
cooperation in the creation and development of industrial parks.
VIII. Environment and climate change:
Enhancing collaboration and coordination in the following areas:
adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its consequences based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, its Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement of December 12, 2015.;
management of climate finance instruments and their development;
development and promotion of a closed-loop economy;
waste management activities;
conservation and restoration of biological diversity and ecosystems;
cleaning and restoration of contaminated sites and soil;
combating air pollution;
the use of technologies related to environmental protection, sustainable development and combating climate change.
IX. Military and technical cooperation:
active use of the mechanism of the Joint Russian-Algerian Intergovernmental Commission on Military and Technical Cooperation to increase cooperation in the military and technical sphere in the long term;
deepening military cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria;
encouraging research in the military field and strengthening cooperation in the field of military personnel training, in particular in the field of strategic studies and military sciences;
strengthening cooperation in the field of military industry and technology, including by expanding partnerships in technology transfer and production development (joint production);
conducting joint exercises and maneuvers, army games.
X. Fighting against terrorism and crime:
exchange of intelligence data, information on threats to the national security of the Parties and experience in this field;
strengthening cooperation and exchange of experience and information in the field of combating terrorism and extremism, including on the sources of their financing;
coordination of measures aimed at countering threats posed by foreign terrorist fighters in order to curb their cross-border movements;
cooperation in the fight against terrorism, transnational organized crime, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, weapons and ammunition, including on extradition, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, the search for criminals, as well as in other related areas;
developing joint measures and solutions to create a peaceful and secure informational space in order to prevent its use for the spread of any extremist ideology and the coordination of terrorist activities;
cooperation in order to prevent the use of the Parties' financial systems for money laundering and terrorist financing, exchange of relevant information;
joint work on the return of funds and assets of illegal origin transferred to one of the Parties.
XI. International security:
work on the preparation of multilateral negotiations on the development of an international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical and biological terrorism at the Conference on Disarmament;
cooperation in order to develop a multilateral legally binding instrument aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space, including a ban on the placement of weapons in outer space, the use of force or threats of force against space objects or with their help;
implementation of practical measures to strengthen the regime of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, including through the adoption of a legally binding protocol to it providing for an effective verification mechanism, as well as interaction between the Parties in order to prevent the creation of any mechanisms that duplicate the mechanism of the Convention and operate bypassing the UN Security Council.
XII. International information security:
interaction within the framework of relevant negotiation mechanisms and organizations, primarily the United Nations, in order to form an international legal regime regulating the use of information and communication technologies;
countering the use of information and communication technologies to undermine international peace and security by promoting the principles of conflict prevention and resolution in the information space, preventing its militarization and non-interference in the internal affairs of States;
assistance in strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation in the field of international information security, including through the creation of an appropriate bilateral international legal framework for cooperation, as well as the organization of full-scale meetings with representatives of the Middle East and Africa at the sites of the League of Arab States and the African Union;
cooperation in combating crimes committed using information and communication technologies, including through the development, under the auspices of the United Nations, of a comprehensive international convention on countering the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes (within the framework of a special intergovernmental committee established by the UN General Assembly for these purposes);
interaction within the framework of the International Telecommunication Union, coordination of activities at the UN and other international venues on improving the management of the Internet information and communication network, including ensuring equal rights of states to participate in the management of this network.
XIII. Higher education and scientific research:
deepening ties and cooperation in the field of higher education and scientific research, including by providing quotas for training in educational organizations of the Parties to train national personnel in the specialties of interest to the Parties;
intensification of partnership and exchange of experience in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research and technology transfer in such areas as space exploration and the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, agricultural sciences, medical sciences and biotechnology, environmentally friendly technologies, meteorology, standardization and metrology, certification of products of the two countries, artificial intelligence, energy and food security and other areas of mutual interest;
cooperation in the study and use of the languages of the Parties, including the creation of conditions for the functioning of specialized language centers, libraries and other educational and cultural organizations, facilitating access to electronic resources containing educational materials and works of fiction in Russian and Arabic;
support for the use of the languages of the Parties in the public sphere, including as working languages of international organizations, as well as in the media and in the field of professional communications.
XIV. Сulture, sports, youth policy and tourism:
encouraging interaction between schools and educational institutions of higher education of a creative profile, museums, libraries, public, youth, sports organizations, cultural and creative associations;
exchanges of delegations of cultural, educational, media, youth and sports figures;
the development of intercivilizational, intercultural and interfaith dialogue in order to better understand the history, traditions and cultural heritage of the Parties;
holding cultural festivals and days of culture of the Parties;
participation of Russian and Algerian publishers in book exhibitions and fairs in the two countries;
the development of tourism, including an increase in the number of direct flights between Russia and Algeria, the organization of advertising campaigns to promote the tourism potential of the Parties and expand cooperation between tourism organizations of both countries.
XV. Handling major disasters and their consequences:
taking measures for prompt mutual assistance in the event of critical situations caused by natural disasters;
working together to strengthen the international humanitarian response system without politicizing the issue of humanitarian assistance and using the plight of people in countries facing natural disasters as a pretext for imposing domestic political changes;
assistance to each other in the field of emergency prevention and response, coordination of efforts within the framework of relevant international organizations, exchange of experience and best practices in this field;
assistance in improving the skills of Algerian fire and rescue specialists.
XVI. Information technology, telecommunications and mass communications:
encouraging the introduction and use of public administration digitalization technologies, the implementation of joint projects in such areas as smart city, Internet of Things, cooperation in the creation and renovation of communication infrastructure, including satellite, and new generation communication networks, as well as the exchange of information on policies in the field of frequency spectrum control;
the development of cooperation in the field of mass communications, including the expansion of contacts between the media of the Parties through the exchange of content and experience, interaction in the field of new media.
XVII. Final provisions.
This Declaration is not an international treaty and does not create rights and obligations governed by international law.
This Declaration can serve as a basis for signing agreements between the Parties in certain areas of cooperation.
Signed in Moscow on June 15, 2023 in two copies, each in Russian, Arabic and French.
based on the historical relations of friendship, mutual respect and multifaceted cooperation between the two states,
taking into account the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, signed on April 4, 2001 in Moscow, international treaties the Parties are a part of, as well as bilateral agreements between the Parties,
convinced that the strengthening and expansion of Russian-Algerian relations meets the interests of the Parties,
noting the high level of cooperation achieved in recent years between the two States in the political, trade, economic, humanitarian, military and technical fields, as well as in the field of security,
welcoming the regional cooperation between the Russian Federation and the African Union, as well as between the Russian Federation and the League of Arab States,
taking into account the results of the first Russia–Africa Summit in Sochi in October 2019.,
emphasizing the friendly nature of relations between the Russian and Islamic civilizations,
noting with appreciation the concurrence of views on various key international issues,
respecting the socio-political structures and traditional spiritual and moral values of the Russian and Algerian peoples,
aware of the existence of new challenges and threats, the response to which requires the concerted efforts of the entire world community,
striving to continue joint and coordinated work in the field of protection and promotion of the strategic interests of the Parties,
guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations (UN), the spirit of the UN General Assembly Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the UN Charter of October 24, 1970, and being committed to the central coordinating role of the UN in international affairs,
based on the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, in particular the principles of the sovereign equality of States and the right of peoples to self-determination, as well as respecting human rights,
reaffirming the need to establish a balanced and sustainable multipolar system of international relations based on the principles of the rule of international law, equality of all members of the international community, indivisibility of security, rejection of hegemony in international affairs, cultural and civilizational diversity, cooperation based on a balance of interests and mutual benefit,
striving to contribute to the full restoration of the UN's ability to perform the functions of a central coordinating mechanism for coordinating the interests of Member States and their actions to achieve the goals of the United Nations, implement the provisions of the UN Charter and other universally recognized principles and norms of international law in the interests of maintaining global peace and security,
aware of their role and responsibility in ensuring regional and international peace, security and stability,
driven by the desire to expand cooperation in other areas of mutual interest,
striving to further develop dialogue and interaction in the regional and international arenas in bilateral and multilateral formats,
in accordance with its international obligations and national legislation,
declare the following:
1. The Parties declare the establishment of an in-depth strategic partnership between themselves.
2. The Parties consider each other as friendly and equal States that will cooperate on the basis of mutual respect for State sovereignty, independence and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, trust and mutual understanding.
3. In-depth strategic partnership involves on a sustainable and long-term basis in accordance with national legislation and international obligations of each of the Parties the development of cooperation in the following areas:
I. Politics:
regular exchange of high-level visits;
conducting political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries in order to coordinate views on issues on the international agenda;
firmly upholding the principle of the inadmissibility of distorting history and revising the results of the Second World War, suppressing and falsifying the history of colonialism and the damage caused by foreign occupation, encouraging the rehabilitation and glorification of Nazism, inciting Russophobia, Islamophobia, racial discrimination, neo-Nazism and xenophobia, overcoming neocolonial dependence and eliminating inequality;
cooperation and consultations within the framework of the United Nations, its specialized agencies, other international organizations and regional forums, including countering the politicization of the activities of international financial and sectoral organizations;
intensification of contacts of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the Council of the Nation and the People's National Assembly of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, including within the framework of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and other international parliamentary organizations;
Promotion and development of regional relations between the Russian Federation and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria;
non-participation in any treaties or agreements that infringe on the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity of the other Party;
countering any attempts to create obstacles to the realization of the sovereign right of the Parties to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields;
actions to ensure universal respect and strengthen the role of international law as the normative basis of international relations, including the rejection of unilateral restrictive and coercive measures applied against one of the Parties by third States or their associations in violation of the UN Charter;
cooperation within the framework of intergovernmental mechanisms and organizations of the United Nations system in the field of climate change and environmental protection, in particular the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, joint work on the formation of a balanced international agenda on relevant issues based on an equal and depoliticized dialogue of all countries.
II. Trade and economy:
support for the deepening cooperation between ministries and various organizations in the field of economics and business circles of the Parties, the creation of new mechanisms for interaction between Russian and Algerian economic operators, including the establishment of joint ventures, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, information days and business forums;
strengthening the cooperation within the framework of the Joint Intergovernmental Russian-Algerian Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation;
creation of favorable conditions for the trade of goods and services;
development of relations between participants in foreign economic activity of the Parties as one of the mechanisms for diversifying trade and economic cooperation, simplification of rules and procedures that make it difficult for entrepreneurs and business representatives to travel;
deepening cooperation in the field of accreditation, legal metrology and industrial property;
development of cooperation in the field of mutual recognition of national certificates and certificates of the Eurasian Economic Union;
establishing cooperation in the field of transportation and logistics, including the development of transport routes between Russia and Algeria.
III. Customs:
signing of an Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters, which will form the regulatory framework for cooperation in the following areas:
combating fraud, smuggling, currency crimes and any forms of crimes that are prosecuted by the Parties in accordance with their national legislation;
creation of favorable conditions, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of each of the Parties, to simplify the passage of goods across state borders;
working on the establishment of a mechanism for the exchange of information related to commercial transactions and travel of citizens of the two countries;
intensification of cooperation between the customs authorities of the two countries in the field of training, exchange of experience and knowledge.
IV. Finance and banking:
development of direct contacts between financial and banking institutions of the two countries;
encouraging joint work aimed at ensuring the transition to settlements in national currencies in mutual trade, the formation of reliable and independent channels for cross-border payments from third countries;
improvement of credit and insurance mechanisms, creation of favorable conditions for mutual promotion and protection of investments.
V. Energy:
cooperation and coordination in international energy organizations and communities of States, including the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries and OPEC+;
intensification of cooperation in the field of exploration and production of hydrocarbons, oil and gas refining, petrochemistry;
deepening partnership in the field of electric power industry, production and supply of energy, oil and gas equipment and pipe products, provision of engineering services;
cooperation and exchange of best practices for the promotion and development of new and renewable energy sources, in particular hydrogen energy;
cooperation and exchanges in the field of development of nuclear technologies, their peaceful applications, and nuclear safety.
VI. Mineral production:
promotion of cooperation in the field of geological exploration, exploration and extraction of minerals, development of the necessary infrastructure, geological mapping, assessment of mineral resources, organizational and technical assistance and training, development of an appropriate regulatory framework.
VII. Industry sector:
cooperation in the field of aviation, automotive, pharmaceutical industry, agricultural and railway engineering;
cooperation in the creation and development of industrial parks.
VIII. Environment and climate change:
Enhancing collaboration and coordination in the following areas:
adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its consequences based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, its Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement of December 12, 2015.;
management of climate finance instruments and their development;
development and promotion of a closed-loop economy;
waste management activities;
conservation and restoration of biological diversity and ecosystems;
cleaning and restoration of contaminated sites and soil;
combating air pollution;
the use of technologies related to environmental protection, sustainable development and combating climate change.
IX. Military and technical cooperation:
active use of the mechanism of the Joint Russian-Algerian Intergovernmental Commission on Military and Technical Cooperation to increase cooperation in the military and technical sphere in the long term;
deepening military cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria;
encouraging research in the military field and strengthening cooperation in the field of military personnel training, in particular in the field of strategic studies and military sciences;
strengthening cooperation in the field of military industry and technology, including by expanding partnerships in technology transfer and production development (joint production);
conducting joint exercises and maneuvers, army games.
X. Fighting against terrorism and crime:
exchange of intelligence data, information on threats to the national security of the Parties and experience in this field;
strengthening cooperation and exchange of experience and information in the field of combating terrorism and extremism, including on the sources of their financing;
coordination of measures aimed at countering threats posed by foreign terrorist fighters in order to curb their cross-border movements;
cooperation in the fight against terrorism, transnational organized crime, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, weapons and ammunition, including on extradition, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, the search for criminals, as well as in other related areas;
developing joint measures and solutions to create a peaceful and secure informational space in order to prevent its use for the spread of any extremist ideology and the coordination of terrorist activities;
cooperation in order to prevent the use of the Parties' financial systems for money laundering and terrorist financing, exchange of relevant information;
joint work on the return of funds and assets of illegal origin transferred to one of the Parties.
XI. International security:
work on the preparation of multilateral negotiations on the development of an international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical and biological terrorism at the Conference on Disarmament;
cooperation in order to develop a multilateral legally binding instrument aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space, including a ban on the placement of weapons in outer space, the use of force or threats of force against space objects or with their help;
implementation of practical measures to strengthen the regime of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, including through the adoption of a legally binding protocol to it providing for an effective verification mechanism, as well as interaction between the Parties in order to prevent the creation of any mechanisms that duplicate the mechanism of the Convention and operate bypassing the UN Security Council.
XII. International information security:
interaction within the framework of relevant negotiation mechanisms and organizations, primarily the United Nations, in order to form an international legal regime regulating the use of information and communication technologies;
countering the use of information and communication technologies to undermine international peace and security by promoting the principles of conflict prevention and resolution in the information space, preventing its militarization and non-interference in the internal affairs of States;
assistance in strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation in the field of international information security, including through the creation of an appropriate bilateral international legal framework for cooperation, as well as the organization of full-scale meetings with representatives of the Middle East and Africa at the sites of the League of Arab States and the African Union;
cooperation in combating crimes committed using information and communication technologies, including through the development, under the auspices of the United Nations, of a comprehensive international convention on countering the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes (within the framework of a special intergovernmental committee established by the UN General Assembly for these purposes);
interaction within the framework of the International Telecommunication Union, coordination of activities at the UN and other international venues on improving the management of the Internet information and communication network, including ensuring equal rights of states to participate in the management of this network.
XIII. Higher education and scientific research:
deepening ties and cooperation in the field of higher education and scientific research, including by providing quotas for training in educational organizations of the Parties to train national personnel in the specialties of interest to the Parties;
intensification of partnership and exchange of experience in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research and technology transfer in such areas as space exploration and the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, agricultural sciences, medical sciences and biotechnology, environmentally friendly technologies, meteorology, standardization and metrology, certification of products of the two countries, artificial intelligence, energy and food security and other areas of mutual interest;
cooperation in the study and use of the languages of the Parties, including the creation of conditions for the functioning of specialized language centers, libraries and other educational and cultural organizations, facilitating access to electronic resources containing educational materials and works of fiction in Russian and Arabic;
support for the use of the languages of the Parties in the public sphere, including as working languages of international organizations, as well as in the media and in the field of professional communications.
XIV. Сulture, sports, youth policy and tourism:
encouraging interaction between schools and educational institutions of higher education of a creative profile, museums, libraries, public, youth, sports organizations, cultural and creative associations;
exchanges of delegations of cultural, educational, media, youth and sports figures;
the development of intercivilizational, intercultural and interfaith dialogue in order to better understand the history, traditions and cultural heritage of the Parties;
holding cultural festivals and days of culture of the Parties;
participation of Russian and Algerian publishers in book exhibitions and fairs in the two countries;
the development of tourism, including an increase in the number of direct flights between Russia and Algeria, the organization of advertising campaigns to promote the tourism potential of the Parties and expand cooperation between tourism organizations of both countries.
XV. Handling major disasters and their consequences:
taking measures for prompt mutual assistance in the event of critical situations caused by natural disasters;
working together to strengthen the international humanitarian response system without politicizing the issue of humanitarian assistance and using the plight of people in countries facing natural disasters as a pretext for imposing domestic political changes;
assistance to each other in the field of emergency prevention and response, coordination of efforts within the framework of relevant international organizations, exchange of experience and best practices in this field;
assistance in improving the skills of Algerian fire and rescue specialists.
XVI. Information technology, telecommunications and mass communications:
encouraging the introduction and use of public administration digitalization technologies, the implementation of joint projects in such areas as smart city, Internet of Things, cooperation in the creation and renovation of communication infrastructure, including satellite, and new generation communication networks, as well as the exchange of information on policies in the field of frequency spectrum control;
the development of cooperation in the field of mass communications, including the expansion of contacts between the media of the Parties through the exchange of content and experience, interaction in the field of new media.
XVII. Final provisions.
This Declaration is not an international treaty and does not create rights and obligations governed by international law.
This Declaration can serve as a basis for signing agreements between the Parties in certain areas of cooperation.
Signed in Moscow on June 15, 2023 in two copies, each in Russian, Arabic and French.